Acrylic Painting - 142035

Acrylic Painting


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Activity Details

Acrylic Painting

Meeting Details

Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Days: Sat
Community Center
233 West Main Street
Fort Wayne, IN, 46802


The system is not finding anyone in your household that meets the age requirement. Please go to MY ACCOUNT-HOUSEHOLD & MEMBER and add in any missing birthdates.
Enrollment limit of 999
Enjoy the preview! Registration for this program begins at 12:01am on November 1, 2023.


Registration deadline is 7 days before the class begins. Questions? Call 260-427-6000.

Acrylic Painting

Paint a picture and take it home the same day. You don't have to be an artist. You'll be guided step-by-step from blank canvas to your finished painting, learning how to load brushes, paint wet into wet and blend colors as you go. All necessary supplies will be provided. Ages 13+. Registration deadlines: January 31 and February 2. Min. 5. Max. 10.


Charge When Not Billed:
Adult Class Fee (R425) (Standard Fee): $38.00
Community Center NRC (Standard Fee): $1.00
Adult Class Fee (R425) Late Fee (Standard Fee): $5.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Adult Class Fee (R425) (Standard Fee): $38.00
Community Center NRC (Standard Fee): $1.00
Adult Class Fee (R425) Late Fee (Standard Fee): $5.00
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