Tulip Time in Holland, MI - 275221
Tulip Time in Holland, MI
Tulip Time in Holland, MI
If you haven't been to the Tulip Festival in a few years or this is your first time, then you are in for a treat. Enjoy a Dutch lunch and dance performance by local dancers, a 2-hour narrated tour of Holland from a local guide that will share stories, talk about the history of Holland and the significance of historical buildings and landmarks. After the tour we head to Windmill Island to get photos and enjoy the beauty of thousands of colorful tulips. There will be adequate time to take it all in. Once we are back on the motorcoach and heading home, a boxed meal with beverage will be served. Registration deadline::March 24. Min. 30. Max. 50. Departs at 7:30 a.m. from Bob Arnold Park, 2510 Parnell Ave. Returns by 9:00 p.m.
Charge When Not Billed:
Travel (439TRIP) (Standard Fee): $225.00 = $225.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Travel (439TRIP) (Standard Fee): $225.00 = $225.00